IR has long been a staple of military capabilities but as uncooled detectors become more prominent, commercial applications expand, and over the years BFE’s experience has allowed them to make some of the most capable Readout Integrated Circuits (ROICs) available. We have also designed micro and nano sized IR camera modules. View details about our Blackfire camera system here.
We designed CMOS imagers long before they were a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives and we continue to innovate.
IC control of LCD and Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) provide fascinating possibilities for countless applications including micro-fluidics and light modulation (displays).
The accuracy and controlled field of view provided by LIDAR for ranging has made it a useful tool for military for many years but as our designs improve and processes become faster, LIDAR’s ability to provide ranging information for closer objects is becoming more popular for commercial applications and nothing speaks to our commitment to LIDAR’s future more than our association with Luminar.